Dr Rowan Gillies
BSci(Med) MB BS(Hons) FRACS(Plast & Recon)
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
02 9008 1846
Fax: 8415 8960
email: admin@drrowangillies.com
North Shore Health Hub Tower A 3.05
7 Westbourne St ST LEONARDS NSW 2065
Port Macquarie Plastic Surgery
259 Oxley Highway Port Macquarie 2444
Research and Publications
Peer reviewed publications in print or other media
Investing in obstetric surgery and anaesthesia to close the gap in maternal mortality.
Dare AJ, Gillies RD, Greenberg SL, Wilson IH
Lancet [2014, 383(9931):1803-1804]
Surgery for diabetes in low and middle-income countries
Costas-Chavarri A, Gillies RD
The Lancet. Diabetes & Endocrinology [2014, 2(7):534-535]
Global surgery: defining an emerging global health field
Dr Anna J Dare MBChB,Caris E Grimes MBBS,Rowan D Gillies FRACS,Sarah L M Greenberg MD,Lars Hagander MD,John G Meara MD,Andrew J M Leather FRCS
The Lancet - 20 May 2014
Surgery: A post-2015 Millennium Development Goal priority
S.L.M. Greenberg; R.G. Maine; RD Gillies;
L.E. Hagander; J.G. Meara
WHO Bulletin January 2013
Median Nerve Injury following Etonogestrel implant removal, Case Reports and Recommendations
R Gillies, P Scougall, S Nicklin.
Australian Family Physician Vol 40 No 10 October 2011
Non-Melanotic Skin Cancer Confused as Trauma
N Purcell, R Gillies, S Shchelokov, M Hassall, J Vandervord
ANZ Journal of Surgery Vol 82 Issue 1-2 Jan-Feb 2012
Historic opportunity for WHO to re-assert leadership.
Gillies R, von Schoen-Angerer T, 't Hoen E.
Lancet. 2006 Oct 21;368(9545):1405-6.
Medical research into "neglected diseases”
Moran MK. Hewison CM. Gillies RD.
Medical Journal of Australia. 175(11-12):667-9, 2001 Dec 3-17.
Towards a Trauma-Less Timor-Leste: An exploration of Hospital –Based Trauma Care in Timor-Leste Using ‘WHO-IATSC’ Essential Trauma Care Guidelines
K.H. Sullivan, R.D. Gillies, A. Zwi
ANZ Journal of Surgery Vol 79, Issue Supplement s1, page A87 May 2009
Research Underway, IRB approved
Traumatic Limb injury in LMIC: A chronic problem
Jacky Fils, MD; Getho Chertoute, MD; Rowan Gillies, FRACS; Ainhoa Costas, MD; John Meara, MD, DMD; George Dyer, MD
Peer Review For Journals
Reviewer for JAMA Surgery and Australian Family Physician
Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Exhibits Presented at Professional Meetings
The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, Economics and Workforce Working Group Outcomes
RACS Scientific Conference Singapore May 2014
The Cost of Free Surgery: The Patient Financial Burden of Surgical Care in Haiti
Jordan Pyda BA1,2,3;Marie May Louis‐Fils MD; Sarah Greenberg MD; Rowan Gillies FRACS; Ainhoa Costas MD; Paula Hercule BS; Maxi Raymonville MD; John Meara, MD,DMD ,MBA
Bethune Round Table, Toronto 2013
Compliance of Australian Plastic Surgeons with Medical Board of Australia Advertising Guidelines
R Gillies MBBS; D Marucci FRACS(plast).
Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons Scientific Conference 2011